2 Years


2 Years

Wow, I can't believe a whole 2 years ago today I got married. The first time I saw Aziz I just remember thinking to myself how incredibly good looking I thought this guy was. But over the course of just a few short months, did I discover that he had the most beautiful heart of gold as well, & he's still never let me down once. I would have never imagined that marriage could be this awesome. I couldn't have asked for a more thoughtful & considerate partner to go through life with, and I could have never have imagined a more caring, loving father to my children. Every day is truly a blessing having you by my side. I can't wait to make more little rugrats with you and grow old and feeble together. Happy Anniversary babe <3

& in case you're wondering, we're celebrating tonight by going out to sushi & a nice lil theatrical viewing of the Hobbit >> Pretty pumped. Tomorrow I scheduled a couples massages & manis/pedis (a sort of selfish gift) and Thursday morning we are headed to the east coast for a week for the holidays :) Very, very excited to see my family & friends and will be sure to post lots of pics of our big adventure upon our return.

I know this year will not be a normal holiday for many. I'm still holding my vigil every night and praying for the victims of Newtown and their families, that they may find comfort and support in the community and prayers of others, and especially on Christmas. & if nothing else, I hope that everyone else continues to count their blessings, continues to hug their kids extra tight, & continues to be inspired to commit random acts of kindness to others. May we all still look for the beauty and peace of the season and have a cherished Christmas with our loved ones. xx

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